In this project, we learned the basics of CSS and HTML. We would use these basic elements and improve upon them in future projects.
In this project, we expanded on the elements present in alice in wonderland and made a better website.
In this project, we did a report on the popular AI tool ChatGPT.
In this project, we made a business card for a fake company.
In this project, we learned about absolute positioning and how it can be used to place images. We made a collage of images that represents ourself
In this project, we made a fake store and a website for it. We learned how to use textboxes.
In this project, we learned how to use randomizers. It is a dice game that tracks rolls and possibilities
In this project, we made Craps and improved upon randomizers.
In this project, we learned boundries and made a program where two circles bounce around a canvas and bounce off each other.
In this project, we learned key presses and recreated the popular game Space Invaders.
In this project, we improved key presses and made a game where you control a tank.
In this project, we improved circle bounce, adding lots of circles and added a square.
In this project, we improved our arrays and made a game where you control a submarine.
In this project, we made a number array and figured out how to sort through arrays.
In this project, we learned how to draw better.
In this project, we learned how to connect number arrays to canvases
In this project, we learned how to use splice and layering multiple arrays
In this project, we learned how to sort words through arrays.
A research project where we researched several different computer related topics.
In this project, we improved our number array project.
In this project, we learned how to do binary search.
This is my final project.
In GITA 2, we are learning HTMl, CSS, and JavaScript. We are learning more and more every day and using it in our projects and making ourselves smarter. This is the only AP class I am taking. I'm not in any clubs. I'm not in any community service, yet. I want to be a writer and go to Cal State Fullerton.
Brea Olinda High School Address: 789 Wildcat Way.
Brea Olinda High School Number: (714) 990-7850
Picture that represents me: